They are shorter than average with shorter arms and legs, and a square jawline. Fat storage is minimal, generally distributed around the stomach, hips and thighs.
With all the focus on the musculature during development, it means that their muscles are naturally toned, or respond very quickly to exercise. The emphasis on the adrenal cortex also contributes to a need for stimulation. Activators have a hormone dominance of adrenalin, so they need change, adventure and some risk! It can also provide courage and energy… along with a touch of hot-headedness. They can flare up easily, and calm down just as quick.
Activators are independent, adaptable, competitive, determined, dynamic, and energising. They are very social, outgoing and often loud… and can sometimes dominate conversations and interactions with others! However they still need some alone time to recharge.
Activators will stick to discipline, but like to be impulsive. They are fast to react and respond easily to unpredictability. They are the best at “thinking on their feet”. They get bored very quickly with sedentary or repetitive tasks. They are designed to release negative emotions with movement, so sedentary Activators often feel angry and frustrated. They will often seek out or create chaos if things become too mundane
Exercise gives Activators more energy. Their body is designed to move with quick bursts of energy, followed by quick bursts of rest. Think of them as “fully on or off”.
They also have the smallest digestive system and process food quickly with the fastest metabolism of all bodies, so it is important to eat frequently (5-6 small meals per day) with high protein and antioxidants to fuel and recover the muscle tissue.
Activators are the earliest of early birds, generally waking up naturally as the sun rises with high energy, and a desire to move straight away. Their energy will stay strong through the morning, will start to drop off in the afternoon, and will run low by early evening. They should also be the earliest to get to bed.
They are naturally athletic and great sportspeople, excelling in short burst activities like boxing, sprinting, and High Intense Interval Training (HIIT).
They are shorter than average with shorter arms and legs, and a square jawline. Fat storage is minimal, generally distributed around the stomach, hips and thighs.
With all the focus on the musculature during development, it means that their muscles are naturally toned, or respond very quickly to exercise. The emphasis on the adrenal cortex also contributes to a need for stimulation. Activators have a hormone dominance of adrenalin, so they need change, adventure and some risk! It can also provide courage and energy… along with a touch of hot-headedness. They can flare up easily, and calm down just as quick.
Activators are independent, adaptable, competitive, determined, dynamic, and energising. They are very social, outgoing and often loud… and can sometimes dominate conversations and interactions with others! However they still need some alone time to recharge.
Activators will stick to discipline, but like to be impulsive. They are fast to react and respond easily to unpredictability. They are the best at “thinking on their feet”. They get bored very quickly with sedentary or repetitive tasks. They are designed to release negative emotions with movement, so sedentary Activators often feel angry and frustrated. They will often seek out or create chaos if things become too mundane
Exercise gives Activators more energy. Their body is designed to move with quick bursts of energy, followed by quick bursts of rest. Think of them as “fully on or off”.
They also have the smallest digestive system and process food quickly with the fastest metabolism of all bodies, so it is important to eat frequently (5-6 small meals per day) with high protein and antioxidants to fuel and recover the muscle tissue.
Activators are the earliest of early birds, generally waking up naturally as the sun rises with high energy, and a desire to move straight away. Their energy will stay strong through the morning, will start to drop off in the afternoon, and will run low by early evening. They should also be the earliest to get to bed.
They are naturally athletic and great sportspeople, excelling in short burst activities like boxing, sprinting, and High Intense Interval Training (HIIT).