This focus on the gut tube means that Diplomats tend to have a more efficient metabolism – their body naturally knows how to make the most of the energy they ingest. This means conserving and storing energy for rainy days to deal with any unexpected circumstances that may arise (in a similar process to Guardians). This also leads to accumulation of body fat, generally around the stomach, hips, glutes and upper legs. The development focus on the nervous system may also mean that the Diplomat system can stay on alert, with lots of ruminating thought (often as procrastination) and even a sensitivity to sounds, stress and other external stimuli.
Diplomats are dependable, easy-going, and enjoy pleasurable experiences due to a hormone dominance of serotonin. Since around 80% of serotonin is produced in the gut, looking after the gut health is of utmost importance. Gut related issues are very common for the Diplomat. They do well with a predictable, patterned routine and, when motivated by a fierce desire, their focus and discipline allows them to achieve any goals they set.
Time and space are important for Diplomats – rushing or deadlines cause them stress and they often need to step away, relax and think things through. They tend to be perfectionists (even if their physical environment isn’t very tidy), and they aren’t the best with managing their time (doing things right means taking more time!).

Diplomats enjoy learning and will obey the rules unless the rules prevent the enjoyment. They are a dependable employee and friend, are easy to get along with, and with their enduring sense of fairness and the ability to recognise various points of view, are a natural mediator and manager.
The Diplomat body is built to resist harsh circumstances and they have less sensitivity to pain than others. They are extremely resilient, don’t often complain about being sick and weak, and are rarely bothered by small things. Due to the endo-ecto combination, they vary in size the most but are generally average to very tall in height.
The Diplomat is naturally a very “night-owl” chronobiology, which means that mornings should be taken slow and calm, with energy rising through the day and higher energy later on. If their morning is too stressful (exercise or mentally demanding tasks before 9am), they’ll notice a big energy crash mid to late afternoon due to depletion of the stress hormone cortisol.
They are powerful endurance athletes especially when carrying load, and have very strong legs. This makes them great at weightlifting, rowing, and activities such as hiking with backpacks.

This focus on the gut tube means that Diplomats tend to have a more efficient metabolism – their body naturally knows how to make the most of the energy they ingest. This means conserving and storing energy for rainy days to deal with any unexpected circumstances that may arise (in a similar process to Guardians). This also leads to accumulation of body fat, generally around the stomach, hips, glutes and upper legs. The development focus on the nervous system may also mean that the Diplomat system can stay on alert, with lots of ruminating thought (often as procrastination) and even a sensitivity to sounds, stress and other external stimuli.
Diplomats are dependable, easy-going, and enjoy pleasurable experiences due to a hormone dominance of serotonin. Since around 80% of serotonin is produced in the gut, looking after the gut health is of utmost importance. Gut related issues are very common for the Diplomat. They do well with a predictable, patterned routine and, when motivated by a fierce desire, their focus and discipline allows them to achieve any goals they set.
Time and space are important for Diplomats – rushing or deadlines cause them stress and they often need to step away, relax and think things through. They tend to be perfectionists (even if their physical environment isn’t very tidy), and they aren’t the best with managing their time (doing things right means taking more time!).
Diplomats enjoy learning and will obey the rules unless the rules prevent the enjoyment. They are a dependable employee and friend, are easy to get along with, and with their enduring sense of fairness and the ability to recognise various points of view, are a natural mediator and manager.
The Diplomat body is built to resist harsh circumstances and they have less sensitivity to pain than others. They are extremely resilient, don’t often complain about being sick and weak, and are rarely bothered by small things. Due to the endo-ecto combination, they vary in size the most but are generally average to very tall in height.
The Diplomat is naturally a very “night-owl” chronobiology, which means that mornings should be taken slow and calm, with energy rising through the day and higher energy later on. If their morning is too stressful (exercise or mentally demanding tasks before 9am), they’ll notice a big energy crash mid to late afternoon due to depletion of the stress hormone cortisol.
They are powerful endurance athletes especially when carrying load, and have very strong legs. This makes them great at weightlifting, rowing, and activities such as hiking with backpacks.